Foto: Chris Haimerl
Production: House of Stars
Produktion: House of Stars
Foto: Flora Hübl
Fotograf: Florian Käfmüller MUA: Britta Tess
Foto: Susann Loessin
Ausgabe 11/22 Foto: Elena Prenaj
Foto: @artpreacher
Fashion special, 08/2022
Fashion Special 08/2022
Foto: Elena Prenaj Styling: Jennifer Milleder H&MU: Shanna Kerlin
April 2022
FACES, April 2022
June/July 2022
Foto: Ammy Berent
Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Perfect Runway
Foto: Andreas Tischler
Foto: Elsa Okazaki
Vienna Awards for Fashion & Style Photo: Philipp Enders
Photo by Sebastian Reuter/Getty Images for Marcel Ostertag
Photo by Sebastian Reuter
Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Marcel Ostertag
Photo by Tristar Media/WireImage
Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for Marc Cain
Getty Images
VOGUE Runway
Red Carpet Event, Paris Foto: Calzedonia
Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for ABOUT YOU
The Sound of Tezenis, Verona
Frankfurter Fashion Lounge, 06/2022
Green Tech Awards, 2022
Foto: Manfred Baumann
Foto: Michael Godabreli MUA: Montana Sonia
Photo: Manfred Baumann MUA: Jennifer Brillante
Berlin Fashion Week, Marcel Ostertag Foto: Malorie Shmyr
Foto: Martina Gleissenebner-Teskey
Superstar Campaign 2022
Foto: Mona Strieder MAU: Famous Face Academy for Mac Cosmetics
Foto: Cosima
Foto: Robert Pichler
MUA: Claudia Csengel
Photo: Isabella Hewlett MUA: Teron Lunaris
Photo: Chris Gonz
Foto: Elena Prenaj Styling: Jennifer Milleder H&MUA: Shanna Kerlin
Foto: Elena Prenaj Design: Jennifer Milleder H&MUA: Shanna Kerlin
Foto: Clara Dötsch
Foto: Nicole Schneeberger
Muttertagskampagne Online Fotos: Socialtownmarketing
Zeitschrift: MADONNA Kunde: Steffl Produktion: Socialtownmarketing
Produktion: Socialtownmarketing
Titel: Germany’s Next Topmodel - by Heidi Klum; Staffel: 17; Folge: 12; Person: Lou-Anne; Copyright: ProSieben/Sven Doornkaat; Fotograf: Sven Doornkaat;
Germany’s Next Topmodel - by Heidi Klum; Fotograf: Yu Tsai;
On the court
Foto: Vijat Mohindra
GNTM 2022 Semifinals Photoshooting
Germany’s Next Topmodel - by Heidi Klum; Staffel: 17; Fotograf: Sheryl Nields;
Germany’s Next Topmodel - by Heidi Klum; Fotograf: Marc Baptiste;
Semifinals Foto: Sven Doornkaat
Look: Moschino Foto: Annika Wolter
Look: Marina Hormanseder Foto: Annika Wolter
Look: Marina Hörmanseder Foto: Annika Wolter
Germany's Next Topmodel 2022, Finals Foto: Annika Wolter
Look: Jasmin Erbas Foto: Annika Wolter